Cellular injury
From an agression, the cell can respond in three ways: adaptation, reversible injury and irreversible damage. These mechanisms will be further detailed in the topics of their themes, but basically, the adaptation occurs by changing the volume, number and / or cell differentiation, while the reversible lesion is characterized by degeneration and the irreversible lesion by damages to the cell death.
The cell may suffer aggression by several factors. Among them, the main offenders are:
Physical agents
Chemicals agents
Immunological changes
Genetic disorders
Nutritional disorders
Stages of cell response to the aggressor.
Differences between types of response in a cardiomyocyte.
Major cellular systems vulnerable to aggression.
Effects of hypoxia
Oxidative stress
Consequences of hypoxia and catabolism by Calcium
Mechanisms that occur in the affected cell membrane
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BRASILEIRO FILHO, G. Bogliolo: Patologia. 7ª edição. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2006.
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