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Changes of Growth

We had already seen that from a stimulus, the cell can respond in three ways : adaptation , reversible injury and irreversible damage . The type of injury had been discussed and now we are talking about cellular adaptation .

In the adaptation process, the cell undergoes changes in volume , in their number and in their differentiation . These changes occur due to the functional demand, hormonal stimulation, in hostile environments or genetic factors . As cellular adaptation we can cite hypertrophy, hypotrophy , hyperplasia , hypoplasia , metaplasia and dysplasia .


It is the increase of cellular constituents , namely the cell volume increase because of the increase of functional demand or hormonal stimulation. It can be classified into physiological ( eg uterine musculature at fertilization , skeletal muscle in exercise and mammary gland during lactation ) and pathological ( eg cardiac hypertrophy by the increase of blood pressure ) .


It is the opposite of hypertrophy , ie, cell has its volume reduced . It can also be physiological ( eg menopause) and pathological ( eg, decreased functional demand of a leg cast ) .


It is the increase of the number of cells because of the incresase of functional demand or hormonal stimulation. As previously mentioned , it can be physiological as the uterus and breast during pregnancy / lactation or pathological as prostate enlargement or gums.


As the suffix suggests, it is the decrease of the number of cells by the reduction of functional demand or hormones . An example of physiological is thymus hypoplasia and the redution of the number of cells of the lymphoid organs in AIDS characterize the pathological hypoplasia.


In this adaptation mechanism there is a change of a tissue as an adult by another more resistant to injury . This is the case of the respiratory epithelium of smokers that is under constant assault and, thus, makes a transition to acquire resistance .


It is the change in cell growth and differentiation with reduction or loss of differentiation of cells affected . This is because the more the cell proliferates , the less it differs . In this mechanism there is no invasion of the basal lamina and this is one of the characteristics that differentiates dysplasia from neoplasm .

A) normal brain
B) brain atrophy




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BRASILEIRO FILHO, G. Bogliolo: Patologia. 7ª edição. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2006.
RUBIN E, GORSTEIN F, RUBIN R, SCHWARTING R, STRAYER D. Rubin: Bases Clínico-Patológicas da Medicina. 4ª edição. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2006.
BRASILEIRO FILHO, G. Bogliolo: Patologia Geral. 4ª edição. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan, 2009.
MONTENEGRO MR, FRANCO M. Patologia: Processos Gerais. 4ª edição. São Paulo: Atheneu, 1999.

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