Did you know?
There is nothing strange to see men with that tummy known as "the beer belly."Did you know that belly can cause a serious condition called hepatic steatosis?
This is because the oxidation of ethanol releases acetyl-CoA that is important in the synthesis of fatty acids. These molecules tend to accumulate and join the fatty acids from the circulation and generate an accumulation of lipids in liver cells. Additionally, free radicals and glyceraldehyde are formed by oxidation of ethanol and these metabolites affect the cytoskeleton of the cell, impairing the transport of vesicles and lipoproteins, also, generating an accumulation of lipids.
Interesting huh?
Welcome to the curiosities of this incredible world that is the pathology!
Everyone expects summer to stay with that tan. Pedro Bial had already said, "If I could offer you only one tip for the future would be this: Use sunscreen!" But this intense exposure to sunlight can (and will) hurt you if you do not use sunscreen.
Now you must be thinking that I'll make a thesis about the benefits of sunscreen and this is a boring subject, but I bet you have seen or suffered with solar rays. Do you know why?
The intense exposure to UVA and UVB damage the cell membrane and consequently the pump Na / K ATPase, allowing the influx of Na and water. This accumulation of water is called hydropic degeneration.
My dear, it is proven. Believe in sunscreen.